Attend a Match

Admission and Parking: Field side parking is available to the general public on a first come, first served basis and for those who have purchased season parking spots. Regular admission is $25 per car and is paid to the gate attendant.

Weather: The weather is variable. Polo is an inherently dangerous sport and wet weather only complicates conditions. The fields can generally handle a modest rainfall but too much puts horse and rider at risk of injury. We will do our best to put the game on as scheduled, and to give you as much notice as possible in the event of cancellation. Please visit the website and Facebook page for updates prior to the match.

Game Times: Friday evening games start at 6 p.m. (until late August when they are moved to 5:30 p.m. because of daylight) and Sunday  games are at 11am. The gates will be open an hour and a half before the start of the game and the game itself will last about an hour and a half to two hours. There may also be an intermediate player game prior to the main match on Fridays, which you can enjoy if you arrive early.

Pass Options: Purchase Here


Alertness: Please remain alert at all times, especially when polo action is nearby. During play, keep your eye on the ball and horses, as action can extend beyond the edge of the playing field.

Attire: You really can’t be over- or under-dressed for a polo event. Spectators wear everything from shorts and jeans to high fashion. Wear comfortable shoes if you plan to go “divoting” at halftime, and don’t forget your hat and sunscreen for protection.

Children: Please be aware of the whereabouts of small children. The direction of play can change in a split second.

Divot-Stomping: Divot stomping is a long standing tradition at halftime (after the third chukker). Spectators wander all over the field, stomping down the turf that was kicked up by the horses during play. It’s fun and you can meet great people just wandering the field. It also helps the groundskeepers.

Pets: Please keep pets leashed. Loose dogs may be a distraction—or even a hazard—to the match and spectators alike.

Safety Zone: Always observe a “safety zone” of 30 feet along the sidelines at all times: the safety zone is to protect the spectator from flying balls and charging horses, and also allows fans room to walk past the cars and other spectators—and to spread a blanket or set up lawn chairs.

Questions: Please feel free to ask questions of players or officials. They love talking about their favorite sport!

Viewing: A polo match is fast and the playing field is large. Your best bet is to watch the main group of players clustered loosely around the ball. Keeping your eye on the ball is difficult at far ends of the field; if you have binoculars,
bring them.