June 26, 2024

Nachi Viana visits Maryland Polo Club
Sunday, June 16, 2024 ~ Nachi Viana, a native of Uruguay, 6 Goal “soon to-be” 7 Goal polo professional, will be playing with Maryland Polo Club through early July 2024. Viana got his start in Uruguay at a very young age. By the time he attended the University of Virginia, he was a 4 Goal player. Since 2021 he has played season to season in the United States between Wellington, Aiken, and Myopia. In the Fall to mid-Winter he plays in Argentina and will be playing at Santa Barbara this summer. While at Maryland Polo Club, Viana has increased the level of our weekend club matches and held a Junior Clinic for Youth members. Join us for his last weekend in Maryland this Friday, June 28th and Sunday, June 30th. It’s been a pleasure hosting such a talented gentleman.